User:WillWow/I before velar G

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One phonological issue I've come across that I HOPE will be solvable, is the reflex of the vowel I before a velar G, especially in respect to how this is in the different dialects. Currently, what I've seen is numerous occasions of this in the West dialect. Ch/gh clearly represents a velar sound in the following instances: see mig -> moch, þig -> doch in Hildina, dagligt -> dagloght in the Foula Lord's prayer. Meanwhile this change is not found in the Orkney Norn Lord's prayer, "dalight"; however in the Unst Lord's prayer, one finds "dought".

This change has far reaching implications; if /iɣ/ does not always become /oɣ/ in all dialects, then this likely affects the pronouns "mog" and "dog", and the -lig adjective suffix. includes two Fetlar versions, which both feature a reflex of the two pronouns "mik" and "þik": the former reads as "mog" in both, the latter once with "o" and once with "i". This may once more link the northern islands with some sounds of the western dialect, if this change isn't largely universal.

Check specifically for -ligr derived adjectives!

PT2 p.538, 1014: utoitleg, utoitlegt: Has both -ek and -ech pronunciations registered, no indication of different regions besides stating de Herra region in Yell, once again northern islands. From ON ūþȳðligr.