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Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
knott [knɔt, knåt, k‘nɔt, k‘nåt], sb., 1) roundish lump. 2) a person with a short and stout body, a k. o’ a man (chield, fellow). The word, esp. in sense 2, is to be derived rather from Old Northern than from Eng. knot, sb. No. knott, m., a short, stout body (prop. a ball; log; cone); O.N. knǫttr, m., a ball; globe. Originally the same as the foll. word.

knotti (knutti) [k‘noti], sb., properly a ball (for a game of ball), football, in later use a cork, a cork-stopper, used in football-playing, replacing a proper ball; to play k. Wh. A boy’s game. Instead of using the feet in hitting these corks, hooked, wooden sticks are (were) used, but otherwise the game is (was) essentially the same as football-playing. — O.N. knǫttr, m., a ball, inter alia for a game of ball (football). The word, however, is lost in this application in the Scandinavian countries.



Alternate Forms



  1. ball


 nm.w.  Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative knotti knotten knottar knottarne
Accusative knotta knottan knotta knottana
Dative knotta knottanon knotton knottonon
Genitive knotta knottans knotta knottana


(none known)
