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From Old Norse eyra (ONP)

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
*jora [jōra], sb., the ear (organ of hearing). Fo. Now superseded by the more frequent “lug” (L.Sc.), and “ear”. Three different forms, viz.: *ora [*ōra], *jora and *øra [ø̄ra], have been preserved in sense of ear, in two compds.: a) uppo(m)jora [op·a(m)jō·ra], prop. three words: *upp um øyra, up around the ear, up behind the ear, reported from Fo.; for the colloquial use of this compd. see further uppomjora, adv. From N.I. uppomøra [op·amø̄·ra] is reported as an obsolete form, b) ornaskap, -skep [ōr··naskäp·, -skæp·, -sᶄɛp·] (Y. and U. occas.), ørnaskep [ø̄r··nasᶄɛp·, -skæp·] (U. and Fe.), prop. form of ear-mark in sheep [*øyrnaskap]. For the further use of this compd. see ornaskap and ørnaskep, sbs. O.N. øyra (eyra, Icel.), n., the ear. The forms jora and orna- presuppose an *oura, *ōra with dropped i-mutation. orna-, ørna- are gen. pl.: O.N. øyrna.


IPA: /joːɾɑ/

Alternate Forms



  1. ear


 nn.w.  Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative jora jorað jorer joren
Accusative jora jorað jorer joren
Dative jora joranu joron joronon
Genitive jora jorans jorna jorana


(none known)
