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From Old Norse hafa.

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
ha’e [hǣ, hɛ̄], vb., to have; a L.Scottish form. The word is used in Shetl. in some special Northern (O.N., Norn) exprs. corresponding to O.N. “hafa” or No. and Fær. hava; thus: 1) to bring; carry; move, to ha’e awa hem [‘away home’], in, ut, etc. Thus comm. O.N. hafa. 2) to talk; to spread a rumour; dey ha’e it, at . . .there is a rumour afloat, that . . .(Fe.); cf. O.N. hafa eitthvat, to remark about something, = hafa orð um eitthvat; Fær. hava á orði, á munni, to mention (hava á lofti, to pass from mouth to mouth). 3) in conn. with certain preps. and advs.: h. aff, h. awa, to move aside, = Fær. hava undan; h. anesell aff, awa, to be off; go away; move aside; h. dee aff (awa)! cf. Fær. hava seg burtur, frá, undan, to be off; go or move aside (O.N. hafa, to carry; remove, hafa sik, to move along).h. against, a) to have an objection to, to bear animosity towards; b) to make objections; to contradict, = O.N. (Icel.) hafa ímóti, Fær. hava ímóti. — h. at ane: a) to find fault with someone; to reprimand; No. hava aat, to find fault with, also to chastise, punish, Fær. hava at einun, to reprimand; b) in the expr., h. dee at dee! move a little! = had dee at dee! cf. prec.h. aff, awa.” — h. frae, to set off from the shore,Fær. hava frá. — h. op: a) to lift; raise,O.N. hafa upp; b) to introduce a subject; to mention, also to spread a rumour (see prec. ha’e 2); h. op again, to repeat; hark back upon; O.N. hafa upp, to disclose, mention, No. hava upp atter, Fær. hava upp attur, to hark back; repeat.h. somet’in’ wi’ ane, to remark upon or find fault with,Fær. hava við einun.


IPA: /ˈhaːva/

Alternate Forms



  1. have


Infinitive hava
Supine havt
Participles havandi havd
Indicative Present Preterite
First Sing. hevi havdi
Second Sing. hever havdi
Third Sing. hever havdi
Plural heva havdu
Subjunctive Present Preterite
All havi -
Mediopassive Present Preterite
First Sing. hevest havdest
Second Sing. hevest havdest
Third Sing. hevest havdest
Plural havast havdust
Imperative Present Preterite
Second Sing. hav -
Second Plur. havið -


(none known)
