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Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
gi’e [gɩ̄, gɩ], vb., to give; a L.Sc. form of Eng. to give. In special meaning as a tabu-word at sea in fishermen’s lang.: to fail; go to pieces, of a fishing-line, de lines ga’e [‘gave’] (Sa.); cf. Eng. “give” in sense of to give way, and No. giva seg, inter alia, to fail; give up, No. givast and Fær. gevast, to become fatigued;to lose one’s strength. — Is, in some phrases with prep. and adv., esp. Norse: a) g. on ur upon, to urge on; work energetically at something,O.N. gefa á; b) g. till, to give much to, in expressing an intense desire; I would “g. till” a guid [‘good’] somet’in’ [‘something’]; cf. Icel.: ek vildi gefa mikit til, at —, and No.: eg skulde giva myket til, um —. “g. till” is also found in sense of to drub; to cudgel, “I ga’e [‘gave’] till him”, but may, in this sense, as well be L.Sc., as “gi’e” in L.Sc. is generally used in sense of to strike. — Note g. op [‘up’] in expr. as: he ga’e op upo dem, he gave it up owing to exhaustion; he withdrew from the game (Sa.); de boat (sail, mast) ga,e op upo dem, the boat (the sail, mast) was no longer serviceable (Fo.); cf. O.N. gefask upp, and Eng. give up.



Alternate Forms



  1. give




(none known)
