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From Old Norse fjǫrðr (ONP)

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
fjord1 [fjȯrd], sb., 1*) a firth; large bay, now only as a place-name; de Fjord: a) the bay between Levenwick, Shannerwick, Hoswick and Cumlewick Ness (Du.); b) the bay of Conningsburgh (bounded on the north by Helliness, on the south by the Isle of Mousa [mūse, mūsa]); c) the bay between Uyea [øja] and “de Li o’ Seter” (east of Sandvoe): Nmn, w., N.Roe. As the second syllable in names of firths now commonly: -firt’ [fe‘rt, fə’rt], from Eng. firth. 2) extensive fishing-ground, a fjord o’ grund; Nm. (Nmw., N.Roe); Ym. Also as a name of some fishing-grounds, e.g. “de Fjord” in St. Magnus’ Bay (Mw.), = de Rud; “de Fjord o’ Wadderste” (Dew.). In Un. a parallel form *fjard [fjārd] is found as a name of a fishing-ground: de Fjard. Cf. ferald, sb., in sense of a fishing-ground. 3) a great stretch of arable land, a great fjord o’ land); to sow a great fjord; N.Roe. — O.N. fjǫrðr, m., (a tract of sea) firth; bay; in poetry also ocean. In Shetl. Norn in a wider use: a stretch of sea or land.



Alternate Forms



  1. fjord


 nm.s.2  Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative fjord fjorden fjorder fjorderne
Accusative fjord fjorden fjordi fjordena
Dative fjordi fjordenon fjordon fjordonon
Genitive fjordar fjordarens fjorda fjordana


(none known)
