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Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
*fari [fāri], sb., noted down in the expr.: “firsta f.!”, exclamation, formerly used by boys during a game. This game consisted of pitching a stone into a certain hole. When someone succeeded “firsta f.!” was cried, and the next time, “second anari [anāꞏri]!” Sound and Lerwick, M. Reported by John Irvine. — fari is doubtless the def. form of “far” in the sense of time, round, like No. far, n.; “firsta f.” is prob. an orig. (O.N.) *fyrsta farit; cf. No. fyrste faret, the first time. anari (the second syllable stressed) might, in reference to this, be a contraction of “annat farit”, second time. “second”, in that case, has been added tautologically, because “anari” or eventually “*anna fari” was no longer understood. The contraction of “anna(t) fari(t)” to “anari” might be explained thus, that “second” was used to introduce the second exclamation, as “firsta” the first one, before the contraction had taken place. Exclamation 2, regarded as a kind of second line of verse, would, by the addition mentioned, contain one stressed syllable more than exclamation 1. This dissimilarity would then be adjusted by the contraction mentioned.



Alternate Forms



  1. time




(none known)
