Dictionary:dvars imut

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Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
dwars [dwa‘rs], vb., prop. to place (oneself) crosswise or to go crosswise; to take, or give something, a crosswise direction; noted down in the foll. applications: 1) vb. a., in the expr. “to d. de grund [grȯnd, grønd]”, to set the long-line across the fishing-ground (Nm.; De.), really, to go athwart the ground. 2) vb. n., to idle aimlessly about, to geng dwarsin aboot. Nmn. (N.Roe). — Probably a deriv. of O.N. þverr, adj., crosswise; athwart; cf. O.N. (Icel.) þvera, vb., to give something a crosswise direction, O.N. þverask, vb., to turn athwart, and No. tvera, vb., a) to get oneself in a cross temper; b) to walk aimlessly,first to one side then to the other (R.). — The Shetl. form, ending in s, is most prob. formed on the analogy of the adverb; see dwars, adv.Fær. tvassa, to go plashing in mud, given under dwog, sb., doubtless differs from the Shetl. dwars, vb. 2.

dwars [dwa‘rs], adv., across; athwart, in a slanting direction or position; de nail is driven in d. (Nmw.). O.N. þvers, adv., across, in the opposite direction, prop. gen. of the adj. þverr, crosswise.



Alternate Forms



dvars imut
  1. opposite
  2. on the contrary



