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Shetland use
- An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
- Jakobsen, Jakob
birt [bə‘rt], vb., to quicken a fire (a light), to b. op de fire; opposite to the phrase “to b. ut de fire”, to let the fire out (Yn.). — More comm. in the form burt; see burt, vb. — O.N. birta, vb., to make bright and clear.
burt [bo‘rt], vb., to kindle: a) to quicken a fire, esp. the fire on the hearth, to poke the fire, to b. op [‘up’] de fire, to b. i’ de fire; also sometimes in a contrary sense “to b. ut de fire”, let the fire go out; b) to snuff the wick in an open train-oil lamp (koli), to get a train-oil lamp to give a better light by pulling up the wick with a wooden pin (burter), to b. de koli; to b. ut de wick o’ de koli, to pull up the wick (C.). A form bort [bȯ‘rt] is noted down in Conn. More rarely birt [bə'rt] (Yn.). O.N. birta, vb., to make light; brighten; Fær. birta and No. byrta, vb., inter alia to quicken a fire; snuff the wick in a lamp (train-oil lamp; Fær. birta kolu; No. byrta kola). Ross gives with hesitation a form “burta” from Nhl.
Alternate Forms
- quicken a fire
(none known)