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From Old Norse aftann

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob

*ap, sb., see apta.

*apta [apta], sb., eve of a feast; the day before a holy-day or mass-day; also abbr. *ap [ap] and *op [åp]. Fo. Recorded in the foll., all from Fo.: a) Tammasmass-ap(ta), the 20th of December, the day before St. Thomas’s day, b) Todleses (Tollegsis, Toljegsis)-ap(ta) [tåd··ləsəs·-, tåᶅ··ə(g)sıs-·]: *Þorlaks-(messu)-aptann, the 22nd of December, the day before “St. Thorlak’s day”; Todleses- is the correct Foula-form of this name; the form Tollegsis (Toljegsis)- with softened (palatal) l is comm. outside Fo. in the phrase “T-e’en” (e’en = apta); c) jøl-ap(ta), Christmas eve. Strictly speaking, these terms really form a sort of rigmarole: Tamm.-ap(ta), Tamm.-day, Todl.-a., Todl.-day, Jøl-a., Jøl-day, referring to the days from the 20th of December to and including Christmas day. O.N. aptann, m., evening; the day before a holy-day or saint’s day. Instead of ap(ta) the word “e’en” is now comm. used. Eng. even = eve, sb.




Alternate Forms



  1. evening


 nm.s.1  Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative aftan aftanen aftanar aftanarne
Accusative aftan aftanen aftana aftanana
Dative aftani aftanenon aftanon aftanonon
Genitive aftans aftansens aftana aftanana

