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Etymology 1

From Old Norse hvárr, hvarr, hverr. Compare Norwegian (Nynorsk) kvar

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
*hwar, pron. indef., every, each, any. Noted down in Fo. in the forms *kwara [kwāra, kwara] and *kwart [kwa‘rt]: a) kwara, which is a dat. sing. form in masc., in the phrase “a kwara hala”, on each tail, see Introd., Fragments, nursery rhymes; b) kwart, which is an acc. sing. form in neut., reported in the phrase “flitin [flitɩn] uppo kwart ura [ūra]”, of sheep: roaming about on every hill-top (from hill-top to hill-top in the out-field): *uppá hvert øyra? — O.N. hvarr = hverr, as a pron. indef., every, each, any.




hvar (feminine hvar, neuter hvat)

  1. (interrogative) who, what, which (of many)
  2. (infinite) each, any


Derived terms



Etymology 2

From Old Norse hvar

Shetland use

An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland (1928–1932)
Jakobsen, Jakob
hwar [hwār], adv. 1) interrogative: where; also whither. 2) rel.: where, (there) where, (to) where.h. till, h. [‘to’], a) whither, where; b) for what, to what purpose, why (Nm.). On. Wests., etc.: kwar [kwār]. — O.N. hvar, adv., where, whither.

Interrogative pronoun

  1. where
    Synonym: hvarna
  2. where ... (to), whereto, whither
    Synonyms: hvagar, hvartil

Sources and notes

  • Meaning 1 based on Jakobsen and the Nynorn Dictionary (not mentioned in Tutorial); synonym hvarna for where based on Nynorn Tutorial (Lesson Eight)
  • Meaning 2 based on Jakobsen and the Nynorn Dictionary (not mentioned in Tutorial); synonyms hvagar, hvartil for whither based on Nynorn Tutorial (Lesson Eight)
  • Jakobsen does not mention hvarna (hwarna, kwarna) from the Kwarna farna sample, compare Westrobothnian hvarna < ON hvaðan af 'where from')
To do
  • Add use as relative pronoun (official material should mention somewhere that all interrogative pronouns except ner are equivalent to their relative pronouns)
  • Add meaning "why; what for" if confirmed to exist in Nynorn