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Co dovran ins quest model?
La chascha alva cuntegna infurmaziuns davart il scopo ed il diever da quest model.


This template is not universally accepted, and in some cases the ellipsis character (… ) should be used instead. Please consider conventions presented in the Wikisource:Style guide before deciding which to use.

The intention is replace an ellipsis with single, non-breaking spaces between the ellipsis marks.

The following shortcuts have been created:

{{...}} The keyboard characters for full stops/periods, unspaced
{{. . .}} The keyboard characters for full stops/periods, with single spaces
{{}} The ellipsis glyph


It is a worse disgrace{{...|4}}" her full rage burst out at last, "{{...}} a worse disgrace than the hospitals at Scutari."

will render as:

It is a worse disgrace . . ." her full rage burst out at last, " . . . a worse disgrace than the hospitals at Scutari."

Multiple dots

Use the first parameter to control the number of dots.


Dots are believed by many writers of our day to be a good substitute for effective writing. They are certainly an easy one. Let us have a few more{{...|6}}

will render as:

Dots are believed by many writers of our day to be a good substitute for effective writing. They are certainly an easy one. Let us have a few more . . .

Different characters

If a different symbol is used instead of the period ("."), add a second parameter to change the symbol. If the first parameter is left empty, it defaults to 1.


Some writers use asterisks {{...|3|*}} for their ellipses instead of periods.

will render as:

Some writers use asterisks  . . . for their ellipses instead of periods.

First character

Sometimes the first character is different (e.g. a comma):


my expectation being too great{{...|first=,|3}} and my having a book I believe did spoil it a little.

my expectation being too great . . . and my having a book I believe did spoil it a little.

In this case, the comma is included in the "no-wrap" container so it will stay together with the ellipsis dots. {{,...}} is a shortcut for {{...|first=,}}

See also

  • {{***}} for a centered ellipsis using asterisk symbols
Questa bordura na cumpara betg en l'artitgel.
Questa documentaziun vegn transcludida da(d) Template:Ellipsis/doc.
Ils editurs pon experimentar sin la pagina da provas.
Per plaschair agiunscha las categorias sin la sutpagina da documentaziun ed ils interwikis sin Wikidata. Sutpaginas da quest model.