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Optimised for rate of occurrence (as based on the letter A):
Optimised for rate of occurrence (as based up to page 69):
-->|sb. = substantive (noun)<!-- 191
-->|sb. = substantive<!-- 851
-->|vb. = verb<!--149
-->|v.|vb. = verb<!--421
-->|O.N. = Old Northern<!--108
-->|O.N. = Old Northern<!--353
-->|Cf.|cf. = confer (compare)<!--94
-->|Cf.|cf. = confer (compare)<!--272
-->|adj. = adjective<!--61
-->|No.|Norw. = Norwegian<!--247 - Norway?
-->|No.|Norw. = Norwegian<!--57
-->|m. = masculine<!--216
-->|m. = masculine<!--48
-->|adj. = adjective<!--209 - adjectival?
-->|Esp.|esp.|esp = especially<!--41
-->|Esp.|esp.|esp = especially<!--139
-->|f. = feminine<!--37
-->|f. = feminine<!--127
-->|Fe. = Fetlar<!--35
-->|n. = neuter or intransitive<!--125
-->|Fær. = Færoese<!--33
-->|Sh.|Shet.|Shetl. = Shetland, -ic<!--114
-->|n. = neuter or intransitive<!--31
-->|Fe. = Fetlar<!--113
-->|Sh.|Shet.|Shetl. = Shetland, -ic<!--29
-->|Fær. = Færoese<!--100 - Færoe?
-->|Icel. = Iceland, -ic<!--26
-->|U{{sup|n}}|U{{sup|n}}. = Unst (north)<!--99
-->|pl. = plural<!--24
-->|L.Sc.|L. Sc.|L.Scottish|L. Scottish|L.S. = Lowland Scottish<!--94
-->|U{{sup|n}}|U{{sup|n}}. = Unst (north)<!--24
-->|Eng. = English<!--84 - England?
-->|Comm.|comm. = common, -ly<!--23
-->|Prob.|prob. = probable, -ly<!--82
-->|etc. = et cetera (and so forth)<!--22
-->|Icel. = Iceland, -ic<!--79
-->|Prop.|prop. = proper, -ly<!--21
-->|Comm.|comm. = common, -ly<!--78
-->|Eng. = English<!--20
-->|Prop.|prop. = proper, -ly<!--76
-->|L.Sc. = Lowland Scottish<!--19
-->|Fo. = Foula<!--76
-->|Fo. = Foula<!--18
-->|U. = Unst<!--73
-->|Prob.|prob. = probable, -ly<!--17
-->|N.I. = the Northern Isles<!--65 - Northern Isles (no the)?
-->|Y{{sup|h}}. = the neighbourhood of “de Herra” in Yell<!--17
-->|Sw. = Swedish<!--64 - Sweden?
-->|Du. = Dunrossness<!--16
-->|Nm{{sup|w}}. = Northmavine (west)<!--64
-->|Sw. = Swedish<!--16
-->|Du. = Dunrossness<!--63
-->|Da. = Danish<!--15
-->|C.|Conn. = Conningsburgh<!--59
-->|Wests. = the Westside<!--15
-->|etc. = et cetera (and so forth)<!--58
-->|dial. = dialect<!--14
-->|Occas.|occas. = occasionally<!--58 - occasional?
-->|Occas.|occas. = occasionally<!--14
-->|Pl.|pl. = plural<!--57
-->|Sa|Sa. = Sandness<!--14
-->|e.g. = exempli gratia (for example)<!--49
-->|e.g. = exempli gratia (for example)<!--13
-->|Sa|Sa. = Sandness<!--48
-->|N.I. = the Northern Isles<!--13
-->|Y. = Yell<!--47
-->|Y{{sup|n}}. = Yell (north)<!--13
-->|Y{{sup|n}}.|Yell{{sup|n}}. = Yell (north)<!--46
-->|adv. = adverb<!--12
-->|Ai.|Ai = Aithsting<!--44
-->|Ai.|Ai = Aithsting<!--12
-->|Sw. dial. = Swedish dialect<!--44
-->|C.|Conn. = Conningsburgh<!--12
-->|Y{{sup|h}}. = the neighbourhood of “de Herra” in Yell<!--42
-->|Nm{{sup|w}}. = Northmavine (west)<!--12
-->|Wests. = the Westside<!--42 - Westside (no the)?
-->|U. = Unst<!--12
-->|Da. = Danish<!--41 - Denmark?
-->|foll. = following, followed<!--11
-->|Deriv.|deriv. = derivative<!--41 - derived?
-->|Ork. = Orkneyan<!--11
-->|Compd.|compd. = compound<!--35 - compounded?
-->|S.Sh. = South Shetland<!--11
-->|Nm. = Northmavine<!--33
-->|Sw. dial. = Swedish dialect<!--10
-->|Poss.|poss. = possible, -ly<!--31
-->|Poss.|poss. = possible, -ly<!--10
-->|expr. = expression<!--30 - expressed?
-->|prep. = preposition<!--10
-->|De. = Delting.<!--28
-->|Acc.|acc. = either [in accordance (with)], or [according (to)]<!--9
-->|N.Roe.|N.Roe = North Roe<!--26
-->|compd. = compound<!--9
-->|Diff.|diff. = different<!--23 - differ?
-->|De. = Delting.<!--9
-->|Orig.|orig.|orig = original, -ly<!--23
-->|id|id. = idem (the same)<!--9
-->|adv. = adverb<!--22 - adverbial?
-->|Diff.|diff. = different<!--8
-->|id|id. = idem (the same)<!--22
-->|expr. = expression<!--8
-->|Perf. part.|perf. part.|pf. pt. = perfect participle<!--22
-->|Deriv.|deriv. = derivative<!--7
-->|foll. = following, followed<!--21
-->|N.Roe.|N.Roe = North Roe<!--7
-->|q.v. = quod vide (which see)<!--21
-->|perf. part. = perfect participle<!--7
-->|dial. = dialect<!--20
-->|q.v. = quod vide (which see)<!--7
-->|S.Sh. = South Shetland<!--20 - South Shetlandic?
-->|abbr. = abbreviated<!--6
-->|Wh. = Whalsay<!--18
-->|pron. = pronoun<!--5
-->|Ork. = Orkneyan<!--16 - Orkney?
-->|compds. = compounds<!--4
-->|Fig.|fig. = figurative, -ly<!--15
-->|fig. = figurative, -ly<!--4
-->|abbr.|Abbr. = abbreviated<!--14 - abreviation?
-->|L.|Lunn. = Lunnasting.<!--4
-->|compds. = compounds<!--14
-->|Mod. Icel. = Modern Icelandic<!--4
-->|N. = Nesting<!--14
-->|Nm. = Northmavine<!--4
-->|prep. = preposition<!--13 - prepositional?
-->|N.Sh.|N.Shetl. = North Shetland<!--4
-->|Acc.|acc. = either [in accordance (with)], or [according (to)]<!--13
-->|Orig.|orig. = original, -ly<!--4
-->|L.|Lunn.|Lunn = Lunnasting.<!--12
-->|pres. part. = present participle<!--4
-->|P.|Papa|Papa St. = Papa Stour<!--11
-->|Wh. = Whalsay<!--4
-->|St. = Sandsting<!--11
-->|a. = active voice<!--3
-->|U{{sup|mo}}|U{{sup|mo}}. = Mooness (Muness) in Unst<!--11
-->|comb. = combination<!--3
-->|Esh. = Eshaness<!--10
-->|def. = definite<!--3
-->|Sandw. = Sandwick<!--10
-->|Esh. = Eshaness<!--3
-->|pronunc. = pronunciation<!--9 - pronounced?
-->|S.Shetl. = South Shetland<!--9
-->|def. = definite<!--8 - definitely?
-->|U{{sup|s}}|U{{sup|s}}. = Unst (south)<!--8
-->|a. = active voice<!--7
-->|Br. = Bressay<!--7
-->|comb. = combination<!--7 - combined?
-->|Gen.|gen. = genitive<!--7
-->|G.|Ger.|Germ. = German<!--7
-->|N.Sh.|N.Shetl. = North Shetland<!--7
-->|opp. = opposite<!--7 - opposing?
-->|Da. dial. = Danish dialect<!--6
-->|Eng. dial. = English dialect<!--6
-->|Etym.|etym. = etymology<!--6 - etymological?
-->|Obs.|obs. = obsolete<!--6 - obsoleted?
-->|pres. part. = present participle<!--6
-->|s. |sing. = singular<!--6 - singularly?
-->|U{{sup|w}}. = the western part of Unst<!--6
-->|A.S. = Anglo-Saxon<!--5
-->|collect. = collective, -ly<!--5
-->|Dim.|dim. = diminutive<!--5
-->|pron. = pronoun<!--5 - accidental mix with pronunc?
-->|Mod. Icel.|Mod.Icel. = Modern Icelandic<!--5
-->|Jut. = Jutlandic<!--5 - Jutland?
-->|U{{sup|wg}}|U{{sup|wg}}. = the village of Westing in Unst<!--5
-->|viz. = videlicet (namely)<!--5
-->|exprs. = expressions<!--4
-->|Fe{{sup|e}}. = Fetlar (east)<!--4
-->|i.e.|i. e. = id est (that is)<!--4
-->|Nm{{sup|s}}. = Northmavine (south)<!--4
-->|part. = participle<!--4
-->|ref. = reference<!--4 - referring?
-->|Syn.|syn. = synonym, -ous<!--4
-->|Y{{sup|b}}. = the neighbourhood of Bastavoe in Yell (itself the southern part of Yell (north))<!--4
-->|compar.|comp. = comparative<!--3 - compare? can comp. be compound?
-->|De{{sup|w}}. = Delting (west)<!--3
-->|Easts. = the Eastside of Shetland.<!--3 - Eastside (no the)?
-->|Freq.|freq. = frequent, -ly<!--3
-->|infl.|Infl. = influence<!--3 - influenced?
-->|Irel. = Ireland<!--3
-->|Irel. = Ireland<!--3
-->|N. = Nesting<!--3
-->|interj. = interjection<!--3 - interject?
-->|Papa|Papa St. = Papa Stour<!--3
-->|Lap.|Lapp. = Lapland<!--3
-->|part. = participle<!--3
-->|l-deriv. = l-derivative<!--3
-->|s. |sing. = singular<!--3
-->|L.G.|L.Germ. = Low German<!--3
-->|Y. = Yell<!--3
-->|M. = Mainland<!--3
-->|A.S. = Anglo-Saxon<!--2
-->|M.Roe|M.Roe. = Muckle Roe<!--3
-->|conj. = conjunction<!--2
-->|Mod.Eng.|Mod. Eng. = Modern English<!--3
-->|Nm{{sup|n}}. = Northmavine (north)<!--3
-->|prec. = preceding<!--3 - precedes?
-->|U{{sup|b}}|U{{sup|b}}.|U{{sup|bu}}. = Burrafirth in Unst<!--3
-->|accus. = accusative<!--2
-->|combs. = combinations<!--2 - combines?
-->|conj. = conjunction<!--2 - conjoined?
-->|dials. = dialects<!--2
-->|dials. = dialects<!--2
-->|Eng. dial. = English dialect<!--2
-->|Dut. = Dutch (vernacular)<!--2
-->|gen. = genitive<!--2
-->|Fe{{sup|w}}. = Fetlar (west)<!--2
-->|i.e.|i. e. = id est (that is)<!--2
-->|M.Eng. = Middle English<!--2
-->|Jut. = Jutlandic<!--2
-->|nom. = nominative<!--2
-->|L.G.|L.Germ. = Low German<!--2
-->|O.Eng. = Old English<!--2
-->|O.Eng. = Old English<!--2
-->|opp. = opposite<!--2
-->|O.Norw. = Old Norwegian<!--2
-->|pres. = present<!--2
-->|Ork. dial. = Orkney dialect<!--2 - Orkneyan dialect?
-->|ref. = reference<!--2
-->|perf. = perfect<!--2
-->|U{{sup|mo}}|U{{sup|mo}}. = Mooness (Muness) in Unst<!--2
-->|pres. = present<!--2 - presented?
-->|U{{sup|s}}|U{{sup|s}}. = Unst (south)<!--2
-->|Sc. = Scottish<!--2 - Scotland?
-->|collect. = collective, -ly<!--1
-->|sup. = superlative<!--2
-->|U{{sup|c}}. = Colvidale in Unst<!--2
-->|U{{sup|n. and w.}}|U{{sup|n., w}}. = Unst north and west<!--2
-->|W.Burr.|W. Burr|W.Bur.|W. Burr.|W. Burra|W.Burr = West Burra<!--2
-->|Wd. = Weisdale<!--2
-->|Y{{sup|e}}.|Y{{sup|e}} = Yell (east)<!--2
-->|Y{{sup|h, n}}|Y{{sup|h, n}}.|Y{{sup|h. n}}.|Y{{sup|h., n}}. = “de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell<!--2
-->|Y{{sup|m}}. = Mid Yell.<!--2
-->|Y{{sup|s}}. = Yell (south)<!--2
-->|colloq. = colloquial, -ly<!--1
-->|colloq. = colloquial, -ly<!--1
-->|combs. = combinations<!--1
-->|conn. = connection<!--1 - connected?
-->|compar. = comparative<!--1
-->|cwts. = hundredweights<!--1
-->|Da. dial. = Danish dialect<!--1
-->|Cymr. = Cymric<!--1
-->|Dut. = Dutch (vernacular)<!--1
-->|dat. = dative<!--1
-->|Easts. = the Eastside of Shetland.<!--1
-->|De{{sup|m}}. = the middle of Delting<!--1
-->|Etym.|etym. = etymology<!--1
-->|Du{{sup|s}}. = Dunrossness (south)<!--1
-->|Du{{sup|m}}. = the village Maywick in the parish of Sandwick in the north-western part of Dunrossness.<!--1
-->|Fe{{sup|f}}. = Funzie in Fetlar<!--1
-->|Fe{{sup|f}}. = Funzie in Fetlar<!--1
-->|Freq.|freq. = frequent, -ly<!--1
-->|Finn. = Finnish<!--1 - Finland?
-->|Greenl. = Greenland<!--1
-->|Goth. = Gothic<!--1
-->|Greenl. = Greenland<!--1 - Greenlandic?
-->|impers. = impersonal<!--1
-->|Impf.|impf. = imperfect<!--1
-->|interr. int. = interrogative interjection<!--1
-->|interr. int. = interrogative interjection<!--1
-->|M. = Mainland<!--1
-->|Lat. = Latin<!--1
-->|M.Roe|M.Roe. = Muckle Roe<!--1
-->|metaph.|Metaph. = metaphorical, -ly<!--1
-->|M{{sup|m}}. = the middle of Mainland<!--1
-->|Mod. = modern<!--1
-->|Mod. = modern<!--1
-->|Mod.Eng.|Mod. Eng. = Modern English<!--1
-->|Mod. Shetl. = Modern Shetlandic<!--1
-->|Mod. Sw. dials. = Modern Swedish dialects<!--1
-->|N{{sup|n}}. = Nesting (north)<!--1
-->|N.Eng. dial. = North English dialect<!--1
-->|N.Eng. dials. = North English dialects<!--1
-->|neut. = neuter<!--1
-->|neut. = neuter<!--1
-->|Obs.|obs. = obsolete<!--1
-->|No. dial. = Norwegian dialect<!--1
-->|perf. = perfect<!--1
-->|No.-Lapp. = Norwegian-Lapland<!--1
-->|Sandw. = Sandwick<!--1
-->|O.H.G. = Old High German<!--1
-->|syn. = synonym, -ous<!--1
-->|O.Sax. = Old Saxon<!--1
-->|U{{sup|b}}|U{{sup|b}}. = Burrafirth in Unst<!--1
-->|reg. = regarding<!--1 - regards?
-->|U{{sup|wg}}|U{{sup|wg}}. = the village of Westing in Unst<!--1
-->|Sw.-Lapp. = Swedish-Lapland<!--1
-->|Ti. = Tingwall<!--1
-->|U{{sup|e}}. = the eastern part of Unst<!--1
-->|U{{sup|m}}. = the middle part of Unst<!--1
-->|uncomm. = uncommon<!--1 - uncommonly?
-->|Vends. = Vendsyssel<!--1
-->|Vends. = Vendsyssel<!--1
-->|W. = Walls<!--1
-->|W.Sc. = West of Scotland<!--1
-->|W.Sc. = West of Scotland<!--1
-->|W. Burr = West Burra<!--1
-->|Wd. = Weisdale<!--1
-->|Y{{sup|b}}. = the neighbourhood of Bastavoe in Yell (itself the southern part of Yell (north))<!--1
-->|Y{{sup|e}}. = Yell (east)<!--1
-->|Y{{sup|h, n}}. = “de Herra” in Yell, and north Yell<!--1
-->|Y{{sup|m}}. = Mid Yell.<!--1
-->|Y{{sup|s}}. = Yell (south)<!--1
Not optimised:
Not optimised:
-->|accus. = accusative<!--0
-->|2. pers. sing. = second person singular<!--0
-->|2nd p. = second person<!--0
-->|3. pers. = third person<!--0
-->|accuss. = accusative<!--0
-->|adjs. = adjectives<!--0
-->|advs. = adverbs<!--0
-->|advs. = adverbs<!--0
-->|appl. = applied<!--0
-->|Ai{{sup|w}}. = Aithsting (west)<!--0
-->|Appl.|appl. = applied<!--0 - application?
-->|art. = article<!--0
-->|art. = article<!--0
-->|Br. = Bressay<!--0
-->|Bard. = Bardister<!--0
-->|c. = common gender<!--0
-->|c. = common gender<!--0
-->|Celt. = Celtic<!--0
-->|Celt. = Celtic<!--0
-->|coll. = collocation<!--0
-->|coll. = collocation<!--0
-->|conn. = connection<!--0
-->|De{{sup|n}}. = Delting (north)<!--0
-->|Cymr. = Cymric<!--0
-->|De{{sup|e}}. = Delting (east)<!--0
-->|dat. = dative<!--0
-->|De{{sup|n}}. = Delting (north)<!--
-->|De{{sup|w}}. = Delting (west)<!--
-->|def. art. = definite article<!--0
-->|def. art. = definite article<!--0
-->|dem. = demonstrative<!--0
-->|dem. = demonstrative<!--0 - demonstrates?
-->|derivs. = derivatives<!--0
-->|dict. = dictionary<!--0
-->|dict. = dictionary<!--0
-->|dim. = diminutive<!--0
-->|Du{{sup|s, e}}. = Dunrossness south and east<!--0
-->|exprs. = expressions<!--0
-->|Du{{sup|w}}. = Dunrossness (west)<!--0
-->|Ennisf. = the village of Ennisfirth, Northmavine (west).<!--0
-->|Fe{{sup|h}}. = the neighbourhood of “de Herra” in Fetlar.<!--0
-->|Fe{{sup|n}}. = Fetlar (north)<!--0
-->|fem. = feminine<!--0
-->|fem. = feminine<!--0
-->|Fe{{sup|e}}. = Fetlar (east)<!--0
-->|F.I. = Fair Isle<!--0
-->|Finn. = Finnish<!--0
-->|Flad.|Fladab. = the village of Fladabister in the northern part of Conningsburgh<!--0
-->|Fladab. = the village of Fladabister in the northern part of Conningsburgh<!--0
-->|Fr. = French<!--0 - France?
-->|Fr. = French<!--0
-->|Fris. = Frisian<!--0
-->|Fris. = Frisian<!--0
-->|Gael. = Gaelic<!--0
-->|Gael. = Gaelic<!--0
-->|Ger.|Germ. = German<!--0
-->|Germ. dial. = German dialect<!--0
-->|Goth. = Gothic<!--0
-->|Gothl. = Gothland<!--0
-->|Gothl. = Gothland<!--0
-->|gram. = grammar<!--0
-->|gram. = grammar<!--0 - grammatical?
-->|Har. = Haroldswick<!--0
-->|H.G. = High German<!--0
-->|H.G. = High German<!--0
-->|indef. = indefinite<!--0
-->|inf. = infinitive<!--0
-->|imp. = imperative<!--0
-->|imp. = imperative<!--0
-->|impers. = impersonal<!--0
-->|introd. = introduction<!--0 - introduce?
-->|impf. = imperfect<!--0
-->|infl. = influence<!--0
-->|interj. = interjection<!--0
-->|introd. = introduction<!--0
-->|lang. = language<!--0
-->|lang. = language<!--0
-->|Lap.|Lapp. = Lapland<!--0
-->|Lat. = Latin<!--0
-->|lit. = literal, -ly<!--0
-->|lit. = literal, -ly<!--0
-->|Lw. = Lerwick<!--0
-->|M{{sup|e}}. = Mainland (east)<!--0
-->|M{{sup|l}}. = Mainland (Lerwick)<!--0
-->|M{{sup|w}}. = Mainland (west)<!--0
-->|M{{sup|w}}. = Mainland (west)<!--0
-->|M{{sup|n}}. = Mainland (north)<!--0
-->|masc. = masculine<!--0
-->|masc. = masculine<!--0
-->|M.Eng. = Middle English<!--0
-->|Maywick{{sup|n}} = Maywick (north)<!--0
-->|M.H.G. = Middle High German<!--0
-->|M.H.G.|Mod. H.G. = Middle High German<!--0
-->|M.L.G. = Middle Low German<!--0
-->|M.L.G. = Middle Low German<!--0
-->|metaph. = metaphorical, -ly<!--0
-->|mod. = modern<!--0
-->|Mod. Shetl. = Modern Shetlandic<!--0
-->|Ndl.|Nederl. = Nederlandish (standard Dutch)<!--0
-->|Mod. Sw. dials. = Modern Swedish dialects<!--0
-->|Ndl. = Nederlandish (standard Dutch)<!--0
-->|Nm{{sup|n}}. = Northmavine (north)<!--0
-->|Nm{{sup|s}}. = Northmavine (south)<!--0
-->|No. dial. = Norwegian dialect<!--0
-->|nom. = nominative<!--0
-->|N.Eng. = North English<!--0
-->|N.Eng. = North English<!--0
-->|N.Eng. dials. = North English dialects<!--0
-->|N.Hl.|Nhl. = North Hordeland<!--0
-->|N.Hl. = North Hordeland<!--0
-->|Nm{{sup|g}}. = Gunnister in the western part of Northmavine<!--0
-->|num. = numeral<!--0
-->|Nm{{sup|n., w}}.|Nm{{sup|n, w}}. = Northmavine (north, west)<!--0
-->|N{{sup|w}}. = Nesting (west)<!--0
-->|N.Sc. = North Scottish<!--0
-->|N.Sw. = North Swedish<!--0
-->|N. Sw. dials. = North Swedish dialects<!--0
-->|N. Yell = North Yell<!--0
-->|num. = numeral<!--0 - numerous, number?
-->|O.Da. = Old Danish<!--0
-->|O.Da. = Old Danish<!--0
-->|O.Norw. = Old Norwegian<!--0
-->|O.Fr. = Old French<!--0
-->|O.Sax. = Old Saxon<!--0
-->|O.Germ. = Old German<!--0
-->|O.Sw. = Old Swedish<!--0
-->|O.Shetl. = Old Shetlandic<!--0
-->|past t. = past tense<!--0
-->|pers. = person, personal, -ly<!--0
-->|pers. = person, personal, -ly<!--0
-->|phr. = phrase<!--0
-->|pers. pron. = personal pronoun<!--0
-->|phr. = phrase<!--0 - phrasing?
-->|Pict. = Pictish<!--0
-->|poet. = poetic<!--0
-->|poet. = poetic<!--0
-->|prec. = preceding<!--0
-->|preps. = prepositions<!--0
-->|preps. = prepositions<!--0
-->|pronunc. = pronunciation<!--0
-->|pres. ind. = present indicative<!--0
-->|pret. = preterite<!--0
-->|rad. = radical<!--0
-->|rad. = radical<!--0
-->|refl. = reflexive<!--0
-->|refl. = reflexive<!--0
-->|reg. = regarding<!--0
-->|rel. = relative<!--0
-->|S.Shetl. = South Shetland<!--0
-->|sbs. = substantives (noun)<!--0
-->|sbs. = substantives (noun)<!--0
-->|Sc. = Scottish<!--0
-->|subst. = substantive<!--0
-->|St. = Sandsting<!--0
-->|Suf. = Suffolk<!--0
-->|sup. = superlative<!--0
-->|Sa{{sup|e}}. = Sandness (east)<!--0
-->|Ti. = Tingwall<!--0
-->|Sw. dials. = Swedish dialects<!--0
-->|uncomm. = uncommon<!--0
-->|U{{sup|m, n}}. = the middle and north part of Unst<!--0
-->|viz. = videlicet (namely)<!--0
-->|U{{sup|n.-w}}. = Unst (north-west)<!--0
-->|U{{sup|ba}} = the middle part of Unst (the district of Baltasound).<!--0
-->|U{{sup|n., b}}. = Unst (north, Burrafirth)<!--0
-->|U{{sup|n., bu}}. = Unst (north, Burrafirth)<!--0
-->|U{{sup|s. and w.}} = Unst (south and west)<!--0
-->|U{{sup|s. and wg}}. = Unst (south and Westing)
-->|Uncompd.|uncompd. = uncompounded<!--0
-->|vbs. = verbs<!--0
-->|Wests.{{sup|w}}. = Westside (west)<!--0
-->|W.Sw. = the village West Sandwick in Yell<!--0
-->|Y{{sup|w}}. = Yell (west)<!--0
-->|Yks. = Yorkshire<!--0
-->|#default = Error}}</includeonly><noinclude>
-->|#default = Error}}</includeonly><noinclude>

Latest revision as of 00:19, 6 July 2021

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Template for assisting formatting of abbreviations in An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland.

There is one required parameter, the abbreviation. If this is the only parameter provided, it will be looked up and formatted with a tooltip, or, if it is not known, an error displayed.

Known abbreviation


Unknown abbreviation
{{Nornabr|not in known list}}

Script error: No such module "Error".

With the size of some of the chapters in the dictionary, and the frequency of abbreviations throughout the text, having to look the abbreviations up every time from a list runs the risk of blowing the expansion limit once all the pages are transcluded. So, to make this template more efficient, a second optional parameter can be supplied that skips the abbreviation being looked up, and will fill out the tooltip with whatever text you provide. Note that if you do this, while the dictionary specifies specific meanings for each abbreviation, liberties are occasionally taken where the expansions really ought to be slightly different to the defined definition. For example, No. mostly means Norwegian, but it may occasionally be used to mean Norway. Other abbreviations have two listed meanings, where it would be beneficial to hard-code the one correct version. If you are hard-coding a replacement definition, be sure what you are supplying in is precise and accurate.

Known abbreviation with known tooltip text



Internally, this template uses {{Nornabr/switch}} to map abbreviations to meanings.

See also

  • {{nornabrn}} for Norwegian place-name abbreviations in the Introduction part VI
  • {{abbr}} for generic abbreviations in other works
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